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Losers? Or Leaders?

Some people seem to get invited to everything. They have good, close friends as well as lots of acquaintances and social groups and buddies and fans and what have you. Others are quiet and have just a small circle, bonding with a select few. Some feel completely disconnected. Some are happy with what they have, some long for more. Such is the nsture of the social animal that is man. I wonder about those that seem to have trouble with connections. It seems to be a reoccuring theme in a few areas of my awareness right now. What if you're the one seemingly always feeling alone in a crowd or left off the invitation list? Does this mean no one likes you and you should move on or hide yourself away? I admit I have thought so at darker times. But I'm starting to see something different now. Those people most apt to find themselves in those circumstances may be the unrealized leaders.

What do I mean by that? Could be many different reasons for this, I suppose, but what I'm thinking is...those folks are the ones that have the skills, the talents, the ... whatever IT is ... to do something GREAT. They just haven't figured out what it is yet or haven't pushed their fears out of the way to get to it. But it may just be that discomfort that they feel that pushes them to step UP, take control and build whatever it is they need to build. If they were too comfortable, too happy day to day with the status quo, that spark would never ignite and the GREAT IT would never come to be. Gosh, I hope I'm right.

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