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Mom Thoughts

Fatigue makes for rambling text so forgive me for a possible lack of structure but an entry about this amazing little person who rules my life is long overdue. I'm spending the day with my son, Corin, as I nearly always do on Sundays and as I type, one of my eyes is watching him make his usual rounds of the laundromat on Oak and Divisidero here in San Francisco.
He loves laundry and everything about it. Oh, we aren't actually doing OUR laundry. No. He hasn't got the attention span for that yet (and we have intermittently working machines in our building.) Watching other people do laundry is one of his many obsessions. He loves quarters, soap and watching washers spin. If a friendly patron lets him feed change into their machine, he is giddy with excitement.
The obsessions are mounting in number though. Laundry still weighs in at number one but let's just look at the growing list for a moment. He only wants to wear yellow shirts. He reads the same 10 books over and over and over (granted, they are quality books.) He suddenly refuses to wear his signature high top sneakers and instead wears his summer sandals - with socks. BART train videos on YouTube. But not just any BART trains. BART trains arriving at the Colma stop - which he pronounces "ken." And then there's the dreaded, controversial jellybean video. He loves it. I am totally indifferent. His father however, thinks it sounds like nails on a chalkboard and, therefore, refuses to let Corin watch it. It sounds like nothing to me but I try to manage the obsession by telling Corin the video no longer works on the iPad. He is not amused. The list goes on. Batteries, elevators, Elmopalooza, computers, Best Buy... What's a mom to do!?!

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